Aerial Yoga
I am a home yogi and have set aside a special place in my home to practice. Inversions and aerial silk yoga are my absolute favourite ways to stretch - both my mind and body.
Inversions are especially good for our lymphatic system. Some describe inversions as the Fountain of Youth. Personally, once I overcame the fear (which was real) I’ve loved the mind and body expansion that being upside down brings.
Small routines are helpful in making sure I get in the hammock / on the mat, each day. I set the diffuser going with whatever my mood needs, find a music mix that suits and breathe into the inversion.
My goal is to gain enough flexibility and strength to do the Wheel Pose (Chakrasana). Sometimes called the Bridge pose, it is powerful heart opener and is said to form a bridge between the chakras.
- Daily doses are great
- The barriers are only in your mind
- Reaching that sweet spot can be a mere five minutes into the practice
- once I was told if you’re a little busy, enjoy yoga as a break for just 5 or 10 minutes. If you’re frantically busy, practice for an hour.
- Keep your yoga area clean and clutter free
- some special pieces to gaze upon during your practice can be very grounding
- 4-8 drops of essential oil of your choice in your diffuser
- music if you like
Firstly I sit on the hammock as if I was on a swing and I do exactly that, swing a little, as I become primed for the inversion. Soon after that it’s up and away. Legs twisted around the silk with the back of the hammock hugging my pelvis, adjusting the silk to finish around my waist, holding me in firmly. Breathe in and feel the stretch. It’s glorious. I interchange my pose from fully relaxed and letting gravity assist the return of fluid and space between my vertebrae, then spreading my palms and fingers out on the floor below and pushing my self up into an assisted handstand. Toes point upwards, legs straighten and muscles are engaged. This results in another wave of power surging through me. During the transition between these positions, I curl into a few abdominal crunches, twisting side to side for a good side stretch, strengthening my back at the same time.
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