To be or not to be the spoon in the sink
![To be or not to be the spoon in the sink](/uploads/om-2-1.jpg?_cchid=2185b2a5497d97a989552a47487c596e)
Years ago I read in a Bryce Courtney novel some advice given to a youngster by an older and wiser woman: Never leave a spoon in the sink. The imagery was instant as I have left spoons in the sink and worn the results after turning on the tap. I’ve forgotten the name of the book but have never forgotten discussing this line with Claire, my eldest step daughter, both agreeing on the insightfulness of the words.
This sage piece of wisdom comes back to me often - mostly while I’m standing in front of the sink and so my mind starts a-wandering. When applying the words to life in general, I think we’re all spoons. The tap represents a well stocked store holding eveything life has to offer. The flow of water is what is accessed from the store - be it true knowledge or fake news, happiness or sadness, negativity, clarity, anxiety or a wonderful stream of calm, love and understanding. As it hits the spoon it is amplified and sprays everything around it. The spoon in the sink is mighty powerful. The spoon on the bench or in the cutlery draw is harmless and ineffective.
I want to be a large spoon left in the sink distributing positivity and warmth. Next time you’re at the sink tidying away the dishes, think of me when you pick up a spoon. Make eye contact with the face in the spoon and you may just hear my laugh XX
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